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“Staying updated on emerging trends enables us to identify sectors where companies would benefit greatly from incorporating our ingredients. The HackTrend Reports have been an invaluable resource in the quest for collaboration opportunities.”
Juan Pablo Orlov
“The HackTrend reports and newsletters are my #1 go-to resource for consulting and technical due diligence. Understanding the latest benchmarks, pros, cons, companies in specific areas are very important for me to deliver accurate reports to my clients. I always refer friends and colleagues who are looking to learn more about Climate and FoodTech companies and complexities to sign up as a good initial primer.”
Maya Benami
R&D Consultant
“Well-structured, quick to digest and great content. As a VC, you’re always short on time, inundated with information but still looking to stay on top of emerging trends, and so cutting through the noise makes a big difference and the HackTrend Reports do just that, whilst learning something new every time!”
Kanira Shah
Astanor Ventures